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We don't know really anything about this picture except that it was found in our archives. On the back of the photo is the number "63," but we don't know if this was the year or not. Help us identify the two men in the picture! The plaque being…

New Library Open House
Fern Rogers, Vice Chair
Lou Krueger, Architect
December 1, 1968

Syd & Perry Stumbaugh
Irene Parr (chair)
December 1, 1968

We believe this is a photograph of the library within a few years of its construction.

[caption] MRS. LENA REDING visited with a friend at a reception in her honor.
Photo by Belinda Driscoll
As I Look Back

by Lena Reding
Fifteen years ago on April 8, 1971, I became librarian at the Rossville Community Library. I was…

The Rossville Community Library Board at the Open House to the new building on northwest Main Street in December 1968
Picture left to right: Irene Parr, Fern Rogers, Ruth Hesse, Judy Kidney, and Micki Reid

LIBRARY NOTES Help! Hellup! We are broke! We need your financial assistance. During this month the citizens of Rossville and community will be asked to buy a library card or give a donation to help support the library. The Library Board, composed of…

GRADE SCHOOL NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954   FIRST GRADE We were pleased to have so many visitors during American Education Week.  The following parents and friends came to visit our room:  Mrs. Wm. Farley, Mrs. Bill Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Francis…

EIGHTH GRADE (Nov 18, 1954) Our individual pictures sold very well.  We are all looking forward to Thanksgiving vacation which will begin at dismissal on the 24th.  There will be no school on Friday following the 25th. The skating party the Mothers…
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