Browse Items (1809 total)

This is the wedding portrait of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson. She is holding a bouquet of flowers and ribbons. The photo is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville, Kansas.

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This collection of interesting stories are the recollections of an early day Rossville physician and the trip he and his family made to the Montana goldfields in 1864, These chapters were discovered by Mrs. Virginia Gentry while doing…

Back: Downing's Gallery,
197 Kansas Avenue,

Walter Startup, pictured on the left, was born May 6, 1891, died February 5, 1972, and was buried in the Silver Lake Cemetery. Della Startup, pictured on the right, was born September 7, 1884, and died April 14, 1957. They were Rossville, Kansas,…

This portrait is of a woman and man wearing dress clothes. It is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville, Kansas.

This portrait of a woman was taken in Chicago on May 20, 1927. It is from the collection of Mabel Boyles, who was from Rossville, Kansas.
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