Bill Murray and his wife, Betty, purchased the Rossville Reporter in March of 1953, after the Navarres retired. The name was changed to The Shawnee County Reporter. The Murrays sold the paper in 1967 to the Pictorial Times, a Topeka paper. This…
Bill Murray and his wife, Betty, purchased the Rossville Reporter in March of 1953. The name was changed to The Shawnee County Reporter. The Murrays sold the paper in 1967 to the Pictorial Times, a Topeka paper. This picture was taken in August of…
Bill Murray and his wife, Betty, purchased the Rossville Reporter in March of 1953, after the Navarres retired. The name was changed to The Shawnee County Reporter. The Murrays sold the paper in 1967 to the Pictorial Times, a Topeka paper. Their…
Not only being honored by his Masonic brethren (sic) on 50 years of membership in Hesperian Lodge, Ed Patterson, also is the owner of a farm on the Reservation, five acres of which produced 119 (sic) bushels of corn to the acre. It was the second…
Barn, rectangle with center aisle and three interior bays, loft, sawn timber frame with veritcal board sheathing, rough-cut stone foundation, gabled roof. Central rolling doors. Dutch door ESE. Stock windows E, 4/4 loft windows. Shed wing N,…
Bill Murray and his wife, Betty, purchased the Rossville Reporter in March of 1953, after the Navarres retired. The name was changed to The Shawnee County Reporter. The Murrays sold the paper in 1967 to the Pictorial Times, a Topeka paper.
Bill Murray and his wife, Betty, purchased the Rossville Reporter in March of 1953. The name was changed to The Shawnee County Reporter. The Murrays sold the paper in 1967 to the Pictorial Times, a Topeka paper. This picture was taken in August of…