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Thursday, March 24, 1955 Rossville Grade School '55 Basketball Champions [Caption to photograph](Engraving courtesy of Jim Rezac) These boys were the winners of the Class B Basketball First-Place Trophy in Shawnee county this season. Almost all of…

A photograph of the Rossville grade school on the left, and the Rossville high school on the right, at East Pottawatomie Street in 1913. The grade school consisted of four rooms.

RGS BOARD MEETS Nearly fifty patrons were present at the annual grade school board meeting Friday evening. Mrs. Fern Rogers was re-elected as director of the board. There was some discussion about school books, hot lunches and in purchasing band…

Thursday, September 8, 1955 Grades Enroll 176 Rossville Grade School enrolled 176 students on the first day of school September 6.  The three largest classes are grades three, four and eight with twenty-five pupils in each of these grades.  The…

From The Rossville Reporter Thursday, May 5, 1955 Nineteen Beginners Expected at R.G.S. Nineteen boys and girls came for Pre-School Roundup last Friday. Their mothers completed an information sheet and were given a list of books needed for next fall.…

Rossville Grade School Graduation Excercises High School Auditorium Monday, May 23, 1955 and 8 PM Processional - Procession - Kinyon Rossville Grade School Band Invocation - Rev. C.W. Punter Songs - Music and Nature - Karl Feye Rossville Grade School…

PROGRESS OF THE GRADES ROSSVILLE GRADE SCHOOL DECEMBER 9, 1954 SEVENTH GRADE We enjoyed a demonstration last week by Wayne Rasch and Ralph Marney showing how the force of gravity is partially overcome by the principle of the gyroscope.  The boys…

EIGHTH GRADE (Nov 18, 1954) Our individual pictures sold very well.  We are all looking forward to Thanksgiving vacation which will begin at dismissal on the 24th.  There will be no school on Friday following the 25th. The skating party the Mothers…

GRADE SCHOOL NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954   FIRST GRADE We were pleased to have so many visitors during American Education Week.  The following parents and friends came to visit our room:  Mrs. Wm. Farley, Mrs. Bill Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Francis…

January 13, 1955 "Progress of the Grades" Rossville Grade School FIRST GRADE We are happy to be back in school after our nice, long vacation. Most of us stayed home and had lots of fun playing with our toys Santa Claus left us. All of us would like…
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