Pictured left to right at an American Legion Auxiliary banquet is Thresa Trahoon, Fern Rogers, Ruby Rezac, Ruth Hesse, Velda O'Donnell, Nora Mitchell, Mary Decker, Hope Meade, Amy Meade, Jenny Coleman, Roxie Banta, Anna Lemon, and Melba Gentry.
Members of this Rossville, Kansas, summer baseball team are (front row, left to right) Harry Adams, Melvin Sage, Steven Pardee, Bobby Dolezilek, Bob Wehner, Daryl Mitchell, and Carl Farley; (back row left to right) Coach Joe Campbell, Richard…
Transcription: Say Claude our pictures were not good so we just got a few finished on their cards. We [illegible] to get some better ones some time. You know…
Back side: Addressed to Claude Dodge, Rydal, Kansas. Sent in October 1913 from Caldwell, Kansas; received in October 1913 at Rydal, Kansas. One cent stamp with George Washington portrait.
This picture of the east side of Main Street in Rossville, Kansas, is looking south. It is featured in the 1971 Rossville Centennial book. The business on the far left is Hopkins & Son hardware store.
The settlement on Cross Creek was in a very strategic position on the Military Road from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Riley. Travel up the Kaw could not be depended upon and man and supplies had to be hauled to Fort Riley overland. The ford and the…
We don't know really anything about this picture except that it was found in our archives. On the back of the photo is the number "63," but we don't know if this was the year or not. Help us identify the two men in the picture! The plaque being…