The Shawnee County Reporter
Thursday, June 22, 1961
Volume LXII Number 33
Mrs. Flo Emert of Rural Rossville escaped injury Wednesday of last week when she jumped from her car that stalled on the railroad crossing in Rossville. Her 1960 Pontiac was…
This cotton mattress in the house owned by Earl Ables in Rossville burned completely last week without setting the house afire. Charles J. Oldfield, 59, of Rossville was charged with second degree arson Friday in the Court of Topeka. Oldfield lived…
Little Billie Rogers (pouring) and Mike Rogers (seated), sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers will have to close their business this week with the opening of school Friday. They say business is a little slow anyway. Here Billy Whitlock and Earl Queen…
Outstanding Farmers - District Soil Conservation Awards were presented Monday to these five outstanding farmers of the county. The awards were presented at the annual business and banquet meeting. They are (left to right) Mr. and Mrs. James Edmonds,…
Purina Tour
Back row, left to right: Leo Ronnse, Bernard Peterson, [ ] Slough, [ ] Seeley, Ed Brennan, Harry Hershey, Unknown, Alex Johnson, Laird French, Roy Florence, [unknown] Purina official
Conservation Awards Presented At Annual District Meeting
Outstanding conservation awards were presented to five Shawnee County farm families at the Annual Soil Conservation meeting held…
Soil awards given
Five farmers in Shawnee County received the Kansas Bankers Association awards for soil conservation work at the annual meeting of the district held Monday…
Tom Williams is a farmer of the old-fashioned variety, but a hard worker for his community. Besides taking care of the small farming jobs around Willard, he was Marshal of the town in 1959.