1958 4-H Fair, Banquet, Award, Rossville, Kansas

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1958 4-H Fair, Banquet, Award, Rossville, Kansas


Ginger Shannon led the Rossville Rustlers 4-H Club to a good showing at the Shawnee County 4-H Fair held August 13-14-15. She was chosen "Best Dressed Girl" in the county and will compete in the state contest at Hutchinson, Kansas, in September. The rest of the members who participated in the final style show were: Virginia Rezac, Carla Rasch, Linda Kelsey, Ruth Miller, Laura Stiles, Sharon Davis, Lillian Reser, Sharon Irwin, Shirley Taylor, Jane Parr, and Carolyn Gresser.
Rossville members did exceptionally well with their 412 entries at the fair. They were awarded 10 Grand Championships (which is a purple ribbon), 141 Blues, 171 Reds and 100 Whites.
The following is a list of the members' awards at the fair:
Learning to Sew - Carol Adams, 5 red; Corrine Adams, 1 red, 1 white; Carolyn Gresser, 1 blue, 3 red; La Verne Harper, 1 blue, 3 red; LaVon Harper, 1 blue, 1 red, 3 white; Sandra Heiland, 1 blue, 4 red; Amy Jones, 2 red, 3 white; Jane McCollough, 2 blue, 2 red, 1 white; Judy McCollough, 4 red, 1 white; Freda McCollough, 1 blue, 3 red, 1 white; Susan Nadeau, 1 red, 1 white; Jane Parr, 3 blue, 4 red; Carla Rasch, 7 blue, 1 red; Penny Ray, 1 red, 2 white; Donna Reser, 1 blue, 2 red; Virginia Rezac, 9 blue, 1 red; Sharon Irwin, 2 blue, 1 red; Linda Adams, 1 red, 1 white; Shirley Taylor, 1 red, 1 white; Sandra Macha, 1 red.
Well Dressed for School - June Wehner, 1 white; Lillian Reser, 3 red, 1 white; Linda Kelsey, 3 blue, 1 red.
(Continued on Page 12)

RECEIVES AWARD by Jerry Reser, Jr. Reporter September 4, 1958
Linda Kelsey, reporter for the Rossville Rustlers 4-H Club, was awarded a photograph album by Mr. Dale Apel, editor of the 4-H Journal. An article and photograph of a group of the beginning foods girls presenting cookies to a nurse at the State Hospital was submitted by Linda and accepted for publication. Congratulations, Linda.

HIGHLIGHTS OF ROSSVILLE 4-H CLUB YEAR by Linda Kelsey September 4, 1958
To begin our year we had an unusual initiation for all the new members. It was fashioned after the T.V. program, "Beat the Clock". One of our best attended meetings was "Parents Night." Sharon Reser won a trip to Kansas City. Dean Davis was elected to go to "Round-up." A 4-H family picnic was held at St. Marys Park. Rossville 4-Hers won 3 top blue ribbons at 4-H Day at Seaman High School.
A picture was published in the 4-H Journal of some beginning cooking girls and their Jr. Leaders. The garden members from our club had 48 entries in the Spring Garden and Flower Show. Patty Coffey had the top Sears Garden in Shawnee County. 16 Rossville 4-H members attended 4-H Camp at Rock Springs Ranch. The club had its own Home Economics Judging School with 40 leaders and members attending. Sharon Reser attended State Jr. Leadership Camp at Rock Springs Ranch. Rossville had 1 purple and 2 blues in the Kiawanis tomato project.
Our members had 412 entries at the 4-H Fair and were awarded 10 grand championships, 141 blues, 171 reds, and 100 whites. Ginger Shannon was "Best Dressed Girl" in Shawnee County. The record books have been turned in and the enrollment cards are being filled out for the coming year. We will have election of officers at our September meeting.

Rossville Rustlers 4-H has had a very successful year. If it hadn't been for our fine project leaders, we couldn't have done nearly so well, so thanks to all of the following leaders:
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Davis, our community leaders; Mrs. Francis Davis and Mrs. Harley Heiland, the beginning sewing leaders; Mrs. Bud Rasch and Mrs. Fredrick Zickefoose, the advanced sewing leaders; Mrs. Bill Murray and Mrs. Joe Gresser, the beginning cooking leaders. Mrs. Gerald Reser and Mrs. Harold Reser, the advanced cooking meal service, and Food Preservation leaders; Mrs. Elmer Lynde, the garden and woodworking leader; Mrs. Howard French and Mrs. Scott Kelsey, the Home Improvement and Home Grounds Beautification leaders; Mr. Gerald Reser, electricity leader; Mr. Ralph Miller, crops and livestock leader; and Mr. Scott Kelsey, entomology and tractor maintenance leader.

Thursday, Oct. 23, 1958 Page 7
Rossville 4-H Club held its regular monthly meeting October 20 at the Community Center. Roll call, a wise saying, was answered by 52 members and nine leaders.
Ginger Shannon and Sandra Taylor presented the installation ceremonies for the Senior and Junior officers of the coming year.
Laura Stiles announced the following program: Zora Wade gave a talk on her sewing project; Sharon Davis gave a demonstration on "Making Winter Bouquets"; Donna Reser gave a music appreciation talk on John Phillip Sousa; a health talk on posture was given by Sharon Irwin; Ginger Shannon and Jane Zickefoose presented a skit called, "The Beauty Treatment."
The meeting adjourned and recreation followed. Refreshments were served by Shannons, Wades, Adams, and Gees.

Twelve 4-H adult leaders from Rossville attended the 4-H club Leaders' Recognition Banquet held at the Topeka Lutheran School on October 15. Leaders from our club who received the Silver Pin were Mrs. Gerald Reser and Mrs. M. C. Rasch; the certificates on seals, Mrs. Scott Kelsey and Mrs. Harley Heiland; the project leaders pin guard, Mrs. Francis Davis, Mrs. Elmer Lynde and Mrs. Harold Reser.


The Shawnee County Reporter, Rossville, Kansas

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