Leo Dale Berry and Carl Rupin recognized the potential of irrigation and the benefits it would have to their current grain business. In 1953 they formed the Berry Irrigation Company and shipped the first carload of aluminum pipe to Kansas. In 1954…
Joe Penaz uses his Farmall 10-20 and combine to harvest wheat in Rossville, Kansas. His farm was a mile and a half north of Rossville according to Laverne Zlatnik.
Future business outlook for Shawnee County appears to be on the better side. Regardless of what the recent tele¬vision show “The Land” said about small towns in Kansas dying, those in Shawnee County…
"Now is the time when corn needs water. If the water does not come from above, it must come from below, through irrigation," Herb Bulk, Shawnee County agent said in outlining plans for the annual irrigation tour in Shawnee County.
U.R. Zeller of Rossville was recently named the county sorghum yield champion at a banquet held in Topeka where county sorghum yield champions were honored. Zeller's yield of 6036.35 pounds per acre topped Shawnee County in the dryland division of…